At 9 AM a group of us walked a short distance to the Kona docks where we boarded a boat and took a cruise to Captain Cook’s monument. It was a beautiful day and a scenic coastline cruise. The highlight of my entire trip was the half hour stop over at the cove of Cook’s monument. Snorkeling gear and masks were provided for those who wished to “jump overboard” and see the underwater sites. A diver was sent down to put out bait, and this drew many beautiful fish into view. Combined with the awesome coral formation it was an unforgettable experience! On the return trip hotdogs and wine tasted great after our half hour swim, and we returned to shore at noon.

The afternoon brought another shopping spree, this time to a local shopping center, where candy and nuts could be purchased at natives prices. Then a short walking tour of historical sites included the oldest church on the island.

In the evening, some of our group took the Captain Bean’s dinner cruise and it turned out to be the wildest and one of the most fun things of the trip. Captain Bean himself made sure everyone (all 130 of us) had a good time and kept the pitchers of mai tais flowing. He also danced with as many of us ladies as possible. Before we shoved off, everyone had to take their shoes off – – – no exceptions. This later turned out to be a good rule while we were climbing over each other and dancing on table tops. Hula contests, live music and dances, bunnyhop chains around the boat all added to the frivolity. When I asked an older gentleman if he would sit in on a snapshot I was about to have taken, he was very enthusiastic – – – but said he had to put his hearing aid in first!! Of course I got his wife’s approval beforehand. A family style meal passed around and large bowls consisting of teriyaki steak, salad, corn on the cob and French bread, was delicious, and one of the best meals of the trip. Afterwards more dancing when I almost lost my strapless top – – – one of the entertainers teasing me by putting his hands in my pockets! At one point, while Captain Bean was trying to clear a path he asked all the ladies to pull in their chests. Then added, “all you ladies please. Every little bit helps!!”

Upon returning to my hotel lobby I ran into Charlie (hearing aid still in tact) who wanted me to join him for a nightcap. The night was young, even if we weren’t, so off to the Boogey Palace and the loudest music I’ve ever heard. I was wishing I had a hearing aid so I could turn it off. I learned that Charlie’s 6’5” wealthy nephew is a doctor in San Diego. He gave me his name and said to contact him. He was raised in Texas and likes Southern Belles. Too tall for me though, keep that on file for Cheryl who is looking for a tall bachelor. Strange coincidence – – – when we took the elevator up to our rooms, his was directly across the hall from mine. Thankfully, no small knock came during the evening.
